The very common sign of getting infected by COVID-19 is taste and smell loss. This symptom is also known as anosmia where the person loses the smell and taste. Getting smell loss problems after any respiratory virus is very common. You can also face nasal issues. But in COVID, you will face taste and smell loss before any respiratory problems because it directly affects the nervous system. This virus travels to the olfactory nerve via your nose which conveys sensory information to the brain.
How to get taste back after Covid?
You may have seen many videos where people are trying to get their sense of smell back by eating aromatic food like onions or blackening oranges. This technique may seem foolish but can actually help to get your sense back. Certain exercises can help to recover the sense of smell. If you have recovered from COVID-19 recently then you should start working on your taste buds and smell loss. You are never late to start triggering your senses. Some common items which can be helpful to fix your condition are Vitamin A supplements, alpha-lipoic acid, OTC steroid nasal sprays etc. You can train the nerve by smelling home items such as citrus fruits, coffee, perfume, essentials, etc. Start smelling items that smell you know. Now move to the items which you are smelling for the first time. It will help to know whether your condition is getting better or not. The good thing is, the smell and taste sense issues in COVID are temporary. Most people get their taste and smell senses back after a few days of recovery. But there are also cases where the people are unable to sense smell or taste even after a month of recovery. If you have recovered fully from COVID-19 about 15-20 days ago but are still unable to sense the taste or smell then you should visit a doctor. Your doctor will prescribe you medications and exercises to treat your impaired taste.

What to do when you can’t smell or taste?
Other than risks, the main issue with sensory loss is eating. You won’t feel like eating it because the food doesn’t taste or smell. It’s easier to drink a tasteless item than eating. You don’t have to eat it if the food doesn’t have any taste. Make smoothies that contain all essential nutrients. There is no problem in having smoothies three or four times a day. You can add peanut butter, full-fat yoghurt etc which can provide all fats and proteins. You can add frozen fruits such as mixed berries, green leafy vegetables such as spinach. Take full-fat milk or fruit juice to get more vitamins and protein. For a change, you can go for soy milk or milk. Make a good texture of your food as it may not taste but the texture may help you to provide some satisfaction.
Always have your meal at a lower temperature. In hot weather, the aroma particles are easy to notice. But when the temperature is low the aroma particles can’t move quickly. So, when you have your meal in cold weather, the change will be less noticeable.
Eating without taste feels completely different. There may be changes that you are not eating enough. If you can’t taste anything that doesn’t mean your body doesn’t need vitamins and other nutrients. If you are not having enough diet then it’s good to have multivitamins. Take a multivitamin daily to prevent other medical conditions.
Good home remedies to regain the taste and smell after Covid-19
There are also several home therapies and remedies which can help to fix your taste and smell senses. These remedies are easy to adopt and fully harmless.

Take 2 or 3 garlic pods and put them into a cup. Now add water and boil the water and wait until it cools down. Now remove the garlic from the water and then drink it. The garlic has anti-inflammatory properties which can help to regain your sense of smell.
Use lemon

Lemon is always good for your health. When you can’t smell or taste anything, try lemon. Add 2 spoons of lemon juice and some amount of honey to a glass of water. Mix the ingredients correctly and try to smell them. Lemon has a very strong citrus smell which can help to regain the smelling senses. Now drink the lemon-honey mixture as it enhances the taste buds.

The smell loss is also common in the cold or flu. Ginger is always a good remedy to treat colds. So, you can also use ginger for treating your smell senses post COVID. Take a small piece of ginger and then peel it cleanly. Start chewing it and try to taste it. If you have any problem chewing the ginger directly like tongue ulcers then you can make ginger tea.

Take a few peppermint leaves and wash them thoroughly. Now put the leaves on a cup of water and then boil it. Wait until the water cools down and then add a spoon of honey. The menthol in peppermint has a good anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial compound. It can help to enhance your senses quickly.
Keep yourself hydrated
Water is good for everything. If you are just recovered with Covid-19 then keeping the body hydrated is necessary. Drinking water cures the nose blockage and helps to regain the smell and taste senses.
If you have tried every home remedy but you are still unable to sense taste or smell then you should visit the doctor. You may be dealing with anosmia. Your doctor will ask a few questions regarding your condition symptoms, and also examine the nose and tongue. He may ask you about past health conditions which can lead to anosmia. The doctor may also do some tests like X-ray, MRI scan, CT scan, nasal endoscopy etc. If you have anosmia then you have problems in detecting a gas leak, spoiled food etc. Your doctor will prescribe several medications for treating your condition.